【1.1 1.2】國內外政府績效管理研究綜述
【1.3 1.4】我國政府績效研究思路、內容及目標
摘 要
改革開放三十多年來,我國的經濟社會建設取得了巨大的成就。經濟開發區作為區域經濟發展的重要載體,是經濟發展的排頭兵。自 1984 年遼寧省大連市經濟技術開發區成立以來,經濟開發區在我國從無到有、由少到多、由沿海向內陸,最終在全國遍地開花,并在增加就業、推進區域經濟發展等方面發揮了巨大的作用。進入新時期,隨著國家區域經濟發展戰略等宏觀調控的加強,“兩型社會”建設的推進,以及經濟全球化的沖擊,經濟發展轉向對質的的關注以及可持續發展能力的提高,經濟開發區面臨“二次”創業的挑戰。
懷化經濟開發區原為 1995 年成立的縣級懷化市河西新區,經過近 20 年的持續建設,經開區各方面取得了長足的發展。近年來,市委市政府更是對經開區寄予厚望,提出了把經開區建設成為“市域經濟增長極、商貿物流樣板區、體制創新試驗田”的戰略目標??冃Ч芾硗ㄟ^對組織戰略目標的分解,實施雙向互動的溝通,從而實現個人目標、部門目標、組織目標的有機結合、高效統一。因此,懷化經開區要實現經開區定位的戰略目標,就必須依靠高水平的績效管理,調動全員力量,齊心協力謀發展、抓發展,提高行政效能和工作效率,推動經開區又好又快發展。
Thirty years of reform and opening up, China's economic and social development has madegreat achievements. Economic Development Zone, as an important carrier of regional economicdevelopment, is the vanguard of economic development. Since the Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Zone was founded in 1984 in Liaoning Province Dalian City, Economic Develop-ment Zone in China developed from nothing, from less to more, from coastal areas to inland, fina-lly springing up across the country, and played a huge role in increasing employment and boostingregional economic development. Entered the new period, with the strengthening of macro regulat-ion and control, such as national strategy of regional economic development, the construction of“two oriented society”, as well as the impact of economic globalization, economic developmentturned to pay attention to quality and increase ability of sustainable development, economic devel-opment zone is facing the challenge of “secondary” entrepreneurship.
Huaihua Economic Development Zone was originally established in 1995, the countyHuaihua City in Hexi District, after nearly 20 years of continuous construction, the EconomicDevelopment Zone has been a rapid development of all aspects. In recent years, the municipalparty committee and municipal government has high hopes for the Economic Development Zone,put forward the strategic objectives of constructing the Economic Development Zone to become a“city region economic growth pole, trading and logistics model area, system innovationexperimental field” of the. Performance management based on the analysis of the organization'sstrategic goals, the implementation of two-way communication, so as to achieve the organiccombination,efficient and unified of personal goals, departmental goals and organizationalgoals .Therefore, if the Huaihua Economic Development Zone want to achieve the strategictarget of positioning in Economic Development Zone, we must rely on high level performancemanagement, mobilize the full strength, make concerted efforts for development, to grasp thedevelopment, improvethe work efficiency and administrative efficiency, promote the realization ofthe strategic goal and increasing of competitiveness of the Economic Development Zone .
The national regional development strategy as the macroscopical background,the HuaihuaEconomic Development Zone, the performance management as the research object, through theliterature analysis ,based on the background and significance of topics and research at home andabroad ,this article analyzed the necessity and feasibility of the using of the performance manag-ement of Huaihua Economic Development Zone. At the same time, based on the performance ma-nagement and the related concept of interpretation, proposed the oretical basis and function of theperformance management of Huaihua Economic Development zone . In addition, by using the me-thod of literature analysis and empirical analysis, Systematically analyzed the system design ofperformance management of Huaihua Economic Development Zone ,and based on the descriptionof the situation of the performance management of Huaihua Economic Development Zone ,analy-zed the problems and shortcomings, refers to experience from other regions and puts forward theimprovement scheme of the performance management of Huaihua Economic Development Zone.
This paper strictly in accordance with the logical thinking “what, why, how to do”,around severalproblems such as “what is the meaning of the performance management and the related concept?
What is the status of performance management of Huaihua Economic Development Zone ? Whatare the factors that affect the problem or dilemma of the performance management of HuaihuaEconomic Development Zone? How to improve the performance management of HuaihuaEconomic Development Zone?” focus on solving outstanding problems in the actual process ofperformance management of Huaihua Economic Development Zone , and strive for China'sEconomy Development Zone's development and provide the oretical and practice reference tothe opening work situation .
Key words: Economic Development Zone; performance management; situation;influencing factors; improvement suggestions
目 錄
第 1 章 緒 論
1.1 選題背景及選題意義
1.1.1 選題背景
1.1.2 選題的意義
1.2 國內外研究綜述
1.2.1 國外研究綜述
1.2.2 國內研究綜述
1.2.3 國內外研究述評
1.3 研究思路、研究內容與研究目標
1.3.1 研究的基本思路
1.3.2 研究的主要內容
1.3.3 研究目標
1.4 研究的主要方法與可能的創新點
1.4.1 研究的主要方法
1.4.2 文章的創新之處
第 2 章 經濟開發區績效管理的基本理論
2.1 經濟開發區績效管理理論
2.1.1 經濟開發區績效管理相關概念
2.1.3 績效管理的影響要素
2.1.4 績效管理的主要工具與方法
2.1.5 績效管理的效用及意義
2.2 經濟開發區績效管理的理論基礎
2.2.1 新公共管理理論
2.2.2 公共產品理論
2.2.3 利益相關者理論
2.2.4 委托代理理論
2.2.5 行政生態學理論
第 3 章 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的源起與實施現狀
3.1 懷化經濟開發區概況
3.2 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的源起
3.2.1 是深化懷化經濟開發區績效管理理論研究的需要
3.2.2 是推進經濟開發區績效管理實踐探討的需要
3.3 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的實踐現狀
3.3.1 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的指導思想和基本原則
3.3.2 懷化經濟開發區績效管理組織領導
3.3.3 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的價值導向
3.3.4 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的內容與指標體系
3.3.5 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的評估方法
3.3.6 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的激勵、約束機制
3.3.7 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的動態流程
3.4 懷化經濟開發區績效管理的成效與不足
第 4 章 國內經濟開發區績效管理的經驗與啟示
4.1 福建泉州經濟開發區績效管理的經驗
4.2 湖北武漢硚口經濟開發區績效管理的經驗
4.3 湖南湘潭九華經濟開發區績效管理的經驗
4.4 相關經濟開發區開展績效管理的啟示
第 5 章 完善懷化經濟開發區績效管理的對策
5.1 統一開展績效管理的認識
5.1.1 破除績效管理“無用”論
5.1.2 摒棄績效管理“萬能”論
5.1.3 超越傳統的目標考核
5.2 摒棄績效管理中的可能困境
5.2.1 摒棄唯 GDP 增長論
5.2.2 摒棄短視行為
5.2.3 摒棄“數字化陷阱”
5.3 建立跟蹤反饋機制
5.4 推動經開區績效管理系統的常態化運行
5.5 將績效管理工作與深化經開區體制改革有機結合
5.5.1 轉變機構職能,科學界定職責
5.5.2 優化績效預算流程
5.5.3 改革干部人事制度
5.5.4 優化服務流程和運行機制
5.5.5 理順各種考核制度
5.6 借助現代電子技術搭建經開區績效管理電子服務新平臺
結 語
致 謝